Hydra micro-grant 2022
The artist demonstrates augmented reality artwork using live coding video synthesiser javascript library, "Hydra"
p5.js, hydra-synth.js, A-FRAME

Augmented reality poster written in p5.js, MindAR and the Hydra-Synth javascript library. The augmented reality image tracks a static image which could be on a poster. I wrote this tutorial on how you could do this thanks to the grant.

[GitHub repo]

[Video demonstration and extended description]

A screenshot of an iteration from the artist's "10 PRINT SCAPE" artwork from 2022

In this piece, the classic 10 Print algorithm from the BASIC computer language is written in p5.js along with other reconstructions of the visual outputs from other well known algorithms such as Barnsley Fern's, Perlin noise and the visual fractal phenomenon of rendering simple bit wise operations.

[Read extended description here.]

[View and interact with the live version here.]

a screenshot of an iteration from the artist's "Planet You" artwork from 2021
p5.js, GLSL

A parraterraformed planet central motif orbited by a noise graphic both coded in p5.js. They sit within a frame of fractal Brownian motion noise rendered in a fragment shader written in glsl which is mouse interactive.

[Read extended description here.]

[View and interact with the live version here.]